About Us
Our Mission
Healing Rooms Ministries exists to see people healed, set free, and launched into their destiny by demonstrating the Kingdom of God right here, right now
A global movement of healing
with Jesus at the core
Healing Rooms Ministries is founded on Jesus' commission in Mark 16 that believers, when armed with the Holy Spirit, have authority and power over any sickness or infirmity.
And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name... they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.
- Mark 16:17-18

God still heals
in fact, He's never stopped
Since the Healing Rooms were started by Cal Pierce in 1999, we've seen people healed from cancers, brain damage, depression, alcoholism, and that's just to name a few.

No, we're serious.
Testimonies don't lie.
Over the 20 years that the Healing Rooms Ministries has been in operation, we've received countless testimonies. Those which have been written by guests such as yourself, reported to our office, and transcribed are available for you to read on the "Testimonies" link.
Many more healings have happened than those which have been transcribed online. Yours could be the next!

The Association
Hundreds of Locations, in 68 different countries
The International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR) is an association of Healing Rooms Ministries in cities and nations for the purpose of Uniting, Equipping, Empowering the body of Christ to establish healing throughout the world.
Our goal is to establish uniformity and accountability in each work and to help perpetuate the healing vision. We have our Divisional, National, Regional, State Directors, Area Coordinators and approved IAHR Representatives throughout the world that will help train, equip and release the Body of Christ to establish Healing Rooms.

There's restoration for everyone.
So why wait for yours?
Find the nearest Healing Rooms near you or Read the testimonies of healing.