It is our desire to see Healing Rooms of excellence and integrity established around the world. God is revealing His Word for today to His Third Day Church, the Church that will bring in the final harvest through the Kingdom Message, through Divine Healing and Divine Health.
We believe it is God's will to equip the church for an awesome end time display of HIS presence and power. To fulfill that calling, we offer training sessions every other month to share the Spirit and the Truth about what God's doing through us, and to Impart that Anointing and Vision to all who will come. Are you hungry to be a doer of the Word, not just a hearer? Come join others from the uttermost parts of the world to receive the Word of His Grace for today!
During training, we will cover topics such as:
- Starting a Healing Room
- How to be a Healing Room team member
- What is healing?
- Understanding the supernatural
- Operating in the Kingdom of God
- The Great Awakening and Revival
- The Five-Fold Ministry
- ...and much more!